
  2 Marks
       Learning     Outcome(s): CLO1
Explain the basic principles of     programming, concept of language, and universal constructs of programming     languages.

        Question One

Explain two roles of the java virtual machine as part of java runtime environment?

Describe the intermediate representation of a Java program that allows a JVM to translate a program into machine-level assembly instructions.


2 Marks


Learning     Outcome(s): CLO4

Develop a program based on     specification using programming language elements including syntax, data     types, conditional statement, control structures, procedures, arrays,     objects and classes.

     Question Two    

Create a Java program that does the following:

Prompt the user for an input.

Enter your first and last names as the input.

Read the entered input into two variables (one variable stores the first name while the other stores the last name).

Using the printf function, print the variables in upper-case characters and each in a separate line. 

Use parentheses to rewrite the java representation. 

(include screenshots of all program execution steps)


2 Marks


Learning     Outcome(s): CLO4

Develop a program based on     specification using programming language elements including syntax, data     types, conditional statement, control structures, procedures, arrays,     objects and classes.

     Question Three    

The cubic polynomial function of the third degree can be represented as:

y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d

Write the correct Java representation of the function without using parentheses using the Rules of Operator Precedence.

Evaluate the java representation of the function and find the value of y when,

x=3, a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4

Make sure that you show all the steps in detail.


2 Marks


Learning     Outcome(s): CLO4

Develop a program based on     specification using programming language elements including syntax, data     types, conditional statement, control structures, procedures, arrays,     objects and classes.

     Question Four    

Write a java program that asks the user to enter his/her name. Print a welcome message and ask the user to enter a number. Then, tell the user the type of the number (positive, negative, or zero).

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