NSG6002 Writing Assignment: Letter to a Congressperson Instructions As nurses we too have a moral
NSG6002 Writing Assignment: Letter to a Congressperson Instructions As nurses we too have a moral
NSG6002 Writing Assignment: Letter to a Congressperson Instructions As nurses we too have a moral, ethical, and professional duty to be advocates for our patients so that the government can meet the moral challenge of taking care of the children, aged, and ill. To do this we need to be part of the dynamic process of healthcare policy making. We need then to be politically active in both state and national initiatives that affect healthcare. One simple way is letter writing. Below are some guidelines about writing your Congressperson on an issue you believe will affect the scope of your practice and ultimately patient care. ***Please see uploaded documents for rubic breakdown, sample letter, and full assignment details. NSG6002WritingAssignmentLettertoCongresspersonInstructions11.docxNSG6002LettertoCongresspersonGradingRubric.docxANA-AHCA-OppositionLetter.pdf
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