Parenting Action Plan



You’ve researched and crafted your case study. Now please create a Parenting Action Plan.

Your Parenting Action Plan should be about 2000 -3000 words in length and follow APA style (7th edition). Be sure to use in-text citations and include a reference list.

Copy and paste the case study at the beginning of your document to provide the context for your research essay. (This will not count towards your word total.)

Your essay should be written in your ownwords and you should always cite any ideas that come from another source. Do not use quotations or copy verbatim from another author.

Your action plan can build on your existing research essay, but the action plan itself will include a few additional components (denoted with an * below). The research you have done should be carefully woven into your action plan. In other words, don’t just copy and paste your research essay and tack on more words. Use the research to justify the actions you are proposing.

  • Statement of the problem: A statement of the key issues that must be explored in order to resolve your case study.(This can be the same as the statement in your research essay)
  • Incorporation of at least 10 credible sources from within the past 10 years that can be used to support a parenting action plan. At least 5 of these sources must be scholarly social science research articles, and at least 3 of the sources must have been published within the last 2 years.
  • *Incorporation of parenting or developmental theories to provide a framework for the proposed action plan.
  • *Description of potential sites of impact (Step 6 of the Planning Table).
  • *Identify an action plan grounded in research that may address concerns posed by the case study (Step 7 of the Planning Table).
  • Correct use of in-text citations and corresponding reference list (APA7th edition).
  • Use of APA7th edition format (1″ margins, standard font, double spacing, page numbers, etc.).
  • Demonstration of strong writing skills.

Part 2: My Case Study

    • Choosing daycare for toddlers
    • Birth-3 yrs.
    • Middle
    • Both parents involved.
    • Married.
    • One toddler.
    • Parents and toddlers.
    • Both parents are employed.
    • Social Issue Other: Adjusting to the daycare environment
    • Home Daycare Public Spaces (e.g. playground, retail, grocery store, etc.)
    • Home Plan Daycare Strategy Community Support Groups
  • Step 8: Parenting Case Study
    • The case study involves a toddler, aged 2, from a middle-class socioeconomic background. Both parents are actively involved, and the family recently decided to enroll the child in daycare due to work commitments. The child is experiencing social adjustment issues in the daycare environment. The parenting action plan will focus on creating a supportive home environment, working with the daycare to implement strategies for a smooth transition, and exploring community support groups for both parents and toddlers. The case will be discussed in the context of home, daycare, and public spaces, with potential solutions including a tailored home plan, a daycare strategy, and community support networks.


The decision to choose daycare for toddlers holds significant weight for parents seeking to harmonize professional responsibilities with the imperative of nurturing their child’s early development. The example scenario above zooms in on the age group of 1 to 3 years, a pivotal period marked by profound cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Toddlerhood represents a juncture where youngsters are actively exploring the world, making the selection of an appropriate daycare an instrumental factor in shaping their initial experiences.

Delving into the socioeconomic context, the family in focus falls within the middle-class bracket. Understanding the socioeconomic backdrop is crucial as it profoundly influences the family’s access to resources and the array of daycare options available. This knowledge is vital for constructing solutions that align with the realistic constraints and opportunities inherent in middle-class life (McLoyd, 1998; Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997). The family dynamic involves both parents being actively engaged in parenting, maintaining a married status, and featuring a toddler sibling. This composition underscores the intricate dynamics influencing the child’s formative years (Bowlby, 1969; Erikson, 1950).

Identifying the crux of the issue is paramount for formulating an effective action plan. The scenario highlights a social issue revolving around the toddler’s adaptation to the daycare environment. This encompasses challenges like separation anxiety, adjusting to structured group settings, and fostering peer interactions. Simultaneously, the broader issue of acclimating to the daycare environment is acknowledged, recognizing the potential impact on the child’s overall well-being (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 2001; Belsky, 2001).

The sites of impact extend beyond the daycare itself. The home, a foundational environment, plays a pivotal role where family dynamics and support systems contribute to the child’s resilience and adaptability (Howes & Hamilton, 1992; Cryer & Harms, 1990). The daycare setting directly influences the child’s daily experiences, shaping their social interactions and emotional development. Public spaces, such as playgrounds and retail spaces, act as extensions of the child’s social world, further influencing their development (Rubin et al., 2006).

To address these challenges, a multifaceted action plan is imperative. A home plan is meticulously crafted, focusing on creating an environment that not only supports the child’s emotional needs but also facilitates a seamless transition between the home and daycare. Simultaneously, a daycare strategy is developed, emphasizing collaboration with daycare providers to ensure the child’s integration into the new environment. This involves open communication, understanding the daycare’s philosophy, and implementing routines that align with the child’s needs. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of community support, engagement in support groups is identified as a valuable resource (Parra-Cardona et al., 2009; National Parenting Education Network).

In conclusion, this parenting case study revolves around a 2-year-old toddler from a middle-class family grappling with social adjustment issues in a new daycare setting. The comprehensive action plan encompasses a tailored home strategy, collaborative efforts with the daycare for a supportive environment, and active participation in community support networks. By holistically addressing the interconnected impact of the home, daycare, and public spaces, the goal is to foster a positive social development trajectory for the toddler.


  • Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss: Attachment (Vol. 1). Basic Books.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and Society. Norton & Company.
  • McLoyd, V. C. (1998). Socioeconomic disadvantage and child development. American Psychologist, 53(2), 185-204.
  • Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1997). Consequences of Growing Up Poor. Russell Sage Foundation.
  • NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2001). Child care and child development: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Guilford Press.
  • Belsky, J. (2001). Developmental risks (still) associated with early child care. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(7), 845-859.
  • Howes, C., & Hamilton, C. E. (1992). Children’s relationships with caregivers: Mothers and child care teachers. Child Development, 63(4), 859-866.
  • Cryer, D., & Harms, T. (1990). Caregiver Interaction Scale. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Parra-Cardona, J. R., Holtrop, K., Cordova, D., Escobar-Chew, A. R., Horsford, S., Tams, L., Villarruel, F. A., & Wieling, E. (2009). “Queremos Aprender”: Latino immigrants’ call to integrate cultural adaptation with best practice knowledge in a parenting intervention. Family Process, 48(2), 211-231.
  • Rubin, K. H., Bukowski, W., & Parker, J. G. (2006). Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups. In N. Eisenberg (Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Social, Emotional, and Personality Development (Vol. 3, 6th ed., pp. 571-645). John Wiley & Sons.
  • National Parenting Education Network.(n.d). Retrieved from:

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography Worksheet

Reference 1

Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss: Attachment (Vol. 1). Basic Books.

In yourown words, what are the key findings?

Bowlby’s seminal work “Attachment and Loss” delves into the significance of attachment theory in child development, emphasizing the pivotal role of secure attachment relationships between infants and caregivers. He highlights how these early bonds lay the groundwork for healthy emotional development and relationships throughout life. Additionally, Bowlby discusses the impact of disruptions in attachment, such as separations from caregivers, on children’s emotional well-being and future relationships.

Summary of key findings:

  1. Bowlby emphasizes the importance of secure attachment relationships in fostering healthy emotional development in children.
  2. He discusses how disruptions in attachment, such as separations from caregivers, can adversely affect children’s emotional well-being.
  3. Bowlby’s work underscores the enduring impact of early experiences on children’s social and emotional development, shaping their future relationships and well-being.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

Bowlby’s work is widely recognized and respected in the field of developmental psychology. “Attachment and Loss” has been influential in shaping our understanding of attachment theory and child development. Additionally, Basic Books, the publisher of the book, is renowned for publishing scholarly works, further affirming the credibility of this source.

Reference 2

Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and Society. Norton & Company.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

Erikson’s book “Childhood and Society” explores the psychosocial development of individuals from infancy through adulthood, focusing on the challenges and crises faced at each stage of life. He introduces the concept of psychosocial stages, each characterized by a unique developmental task that individuals must navigate to achieve psychological growth and maturity.

Summary of key findings:

In “Childhood and Society,” Erikson outlines eight psychosocial stages of development, each associated with a specific age range and a primary psychosocial crisis. He emphasizes the importance of successfully resolving these crises in order to achieve a sense of identity and integrity. Erikson also discusses the influence of social and cultural factors on individual development, highlighting the interplay between biological predispositions and environmental influences.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? 

  1. Erikson’s concept of psychosocial stages provides a framework for understanding the developmental challenges individuals face at different points in life.
  2. Each stage is characterized by a unique developmental task, such as trust vs. mistrust in infancy or identity vs. role confusion in adolescence.
  3. Erikson’s emphasis on the interaction between biological and environmental factors highlights the complexity of human development.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

“Childhood and Society” by Erik Erikson is a classic text in the field of developmental psychology, widely regarded as a seminal work. Norton & Company, the publisher of the book, is reputable and known for publishing scholarly literature. Additionally, Erikson’s theories have been extensively cited and studied by researchers and practitioners in the field, further affirming the credibility of this source.

Reference 3

McLoyd, V. C. (1998). Socioeconomic disadvantage and child development. American Psychologist, 53(2), 185-204.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

McLoyd’s article in the American Psychologist journal delves into the relationship between socioeconomic disadvantage and child development. It explores how factors such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to resources impact various aspects of children’s development, including cognitive, social, and emotional domains.

Summary of key findings:

McLoyd’s research highlights the pervasive influence of socioeconomic disadvantage on child development. It reveals that children from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to experience academic difficulties, behavioral problems, and emotional distress compared to their peers from more affluent backgrounds. Additionally, the article discusses the mechanisms through which socioeconomic factors affect children’s development, such as limited access to quality education, inadequate healthcare, and exposure to stressors associated with poverty.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? 

  1. McLoyd emphasizes the detrimental effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on children’s academic achievement, highlighting the disparities in educational outcomes between children from low-income families and their more affluent counterparts.
  2. The article discusses the importance of addressing systemic inequalities and providing comprehensive support to families living in poverty to mitigate the negative impact of socioeconomic disadvantage on child development.
  3. McLoyd’s research underscores the need for policymakers, educators, and practitioners to implement evidence-based interventions aimed at addressing the root causes of socioeconomic disparities and promoting positive outcomes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The article is published in the American Psychologist journal, which is a peer-reviewed publication known for its rigorous editorial process and high academic standards. Additionally, Valerie McLoyd is a reputable scholar in the field of developmental psychology, with extensive experience and expertise in researching socioeconomic disparities and child development. Therefore, the article is considered scholarly and credible based on the reputation of the journal and the author’s credentials.

Reference 4

Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1997). Consequences of Growing Up Poor. Russell Sage Foundation.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

The book “Consequences of Growing Up Poor” by Duncan and Brooks-Gunn explores the multifaceted impacts of poverty on children’s development and well-being. It delves into the various domains of life affected by poverty, including academic achievement, health outcomes, and social relationships, providing insights into the long-term consequences of socioeconomic disadvantage.

Summary of key findings:

Duncan and Brooks-Gunn’s research reveals the profound and enduring consequences of growing up in poverty. They highlight how children from low-income families are at a disadvantage across multiple domains, experiencing lower academic performance, higher rates of health problems, and greater challenges in social and emotional development compared to their more affluent peers. The book discusses the complex interplay of factors contributing to these disparities, including limited access to resources, exposure to environmental stressors, and lack of supportive social networks.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? 

  1. Duncan and Brooks-Gunn emphasize the pervasive impact of poverty on children’s academic achievement, with disadvantaged children facing barriers to educational success due to factors such as inadequate school resources and unstable home environments.
  2. The book discusses the link between childhood poverty and long-term health outcomes, highlighting how children from low-income families are more likely to experience chronic health conditions and have shorter life expectancies compared to their more affluent counterparts.
  3. Duncan and Brooks-Gunn’s research underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of poverty and implementing comprehensive interventions to support children and families living in poverty and mitigate the adverse effects of socioeconomic disadvantage.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The book “Consequences of Growing Up Poor” is published by the Russell Sage Foundation, a reputable publisher known for producing scholarly works in the social sciences. Additionally, Duncan and Brooks-Gunn are esteemed scholars in the field of child development and poverty research, with extensive experience and expertise in studying the impacts of socioeconomic disadvantage on children’s lives. Therefore, the book is considered scholarly and credible based on the reputation of the publisher and the authors’ credentials.

Reference 5

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2001). Child care and child development: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Guilford Press.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network conducted a comprehensive study examining the relationship between child care experiences and child development outcomes. The research aimed to investigate how various aspects of child care, such as quality, duration, and type, influence children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development over time.

Summary of key findings:

The study found that the quality of child care plays a significant role in shaping children’s developmental trajectories. Children who received high-quality child care experienced better cognitive and socioemotional outcomes compared to those in lower-quality care settings. Additionally, the study explored the effects of different child care arrangements, including center-based care, family child care, and informal care by relatives or non-relatives, on children’s development.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words.

  1. The NICHD study highlights the importance of high-quality child care environments in promoting children’s cognitive and socioemotional development, underscoring the need for investments in early childhood education and care.
  2. The research findings suggest that children who spend more time in child care settings, particularly during the early years, may experience better outcomes in terms of school readiness and social competence.
  3. The study’s comprehensive approach, considering various aspects of child care and following children longitudinally from infancy through early childhood, enhances the credibility and validity of its findings.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network is a renowned research consortium composed of leading scholars and researchers in the field of child development and early childhood education. The study published by Guilford Press undergoes rigorous peer review processes, ensuring the reliability and validity of the research findings. Additionally, the NICHD study of Early Child Care and Youth Development is widely cited and respected within the academic community, further affirming its credibility as a scholarly source.

Reference 6

Belsky, J. (2001). Developmental risks (still) associated with early child care. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(7), 845-859.

In yourown words, what are the key findings?

The article by Belsky explores the ongoing developmental risks associated with early child care arrangements. It investigates the potential impact of non-maternal child care on children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development, highlighting both the benefits and challenges of early care experiences outside the home.

Summary of key findings:

Belsky’s research suggests that while high-quality child care can offer certain advantages, such as enhanced cognitive stimulation and socialization opportunities, it may also pose risks to children’s socioemotional well-being, particularly in settings characterized by low-quality care or prolonged hours of separation from parents. The article examines the complex interplay of factors influencing child care outcomes, including the quality of caregiver-child interactions, the stability of care arrangements, and the child’s temperament and family background.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project?

  1. Belsky’s article underscores the importance of considering the quality and stability of child care environments in assessing their impact on children’s development, highlighting the need for policies and practices that support high-quality early childhood education and care.
  2. The research findings suggest that children who experience early child care arrangements characterized by sensitive and responsive caregiving, along with opportunities for positive peer interactions, are more likely to exhibit positive developmental outcomes.
  3. Belsky’s comprehensive review of the literature on early child care provides valuable insights into the nuanced relationship between child care experiences and children’s developmental trajectories, informing discussions and interventions aimed at optimizing early childhood environments.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The article published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that the research meets high academic standards and contributes to the scholarly discourse in the field of child psychology and psychiatry. Additionally, Belsky is a respected scholar in the field of child development, with extensive experience and expertise in researching early child care and its implications for children’s well-being. Therefore, the article is considered scholarly and credible based on the reputation of the journal and the author’s credentials.

Reference 7

Howes, C., & Hamilton, C. E. (1992). Children’s relationships with caregivers: Mothers and child care teachers. Child Development, 63(4), 859-866.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

The article by Howes and Hamilton delves into the dynamics of children’s relationships with their caregivers, focusing on the comparisons between relationships with mothers and child care teachers. It examines the quality of these relationships and their implications for children’s socioemotional development.

Summary of key findings:

Howes and Hamilton’s research highlights that children form distinct relationships with their mothers and child care teachers, each characterized by unique qualities and dynamics. While the attachment bond with mothers tends to be more intimate and enduring, children also develop significant attachments to their child care teachers, particularly in high-quality care settings where caregivers are sensitive and responsive to children’s needs. The study underscores the importance of supportive caregiver-child relationships in fostering children’s emotional security and social competence.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project?

  1. The article emphasizes the significance of positive caregiver-child relationships in both maternal and child care contexts, suggesting that children benefit from nurturing and responsive interactions with all their caregivers.
  2. Howes and Hamilton’s findings suggest that the quality of caregiver-child relationships, characterized by warmth, sensitivity, and consistency, is a critical predictor of children’s socioemotional development, regardless of whether the caregiver is a mother or a child care teacher.
  3. The research contributes valuable insights into understanding the complexities of children’s social relationships and the role of caregivers in shaping children’s emotional well-being and interpersonal skills.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The article is published in the reputable journal Child Development, which is known for its rigorous peer-review process and publication of high-quality research in the field of child development. Additionally, the authors, Howes and Hamilton, are respected scholars with expertise in the study of children’s relationships and early childhood education. Their affiliation with reputable academic institutions further enhances the credibility of the source. Therefore, based on the reputation of the journal and the authors’ credentials, the article is considered scholarly and credible.

Reference 8

Cryer, D., & Harms, T. (1990). Caregiver Interaction Scale. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

The Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS) developed by Cryer and Harms serves as a tool for assessing the quality of caregiver-child interactions in early childhood settings. It provides a structured framework for observing and evaluating various aspects of caregiver behavior and its impact on children’s development.

Summary of key findings:

The CIS is designed to measure the quality and effectiveness of caregiver interactions with young children, focusing on dimensions such as warmth, responsiveness, and sensitivity to children’s cues. Through systematic observation and rating of caregiver behaviors, the scale enables researchers and practitioners to assess the extent to which caregivers engage in supportive and nurturing interactions with children under their care.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? 

  1. The Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS) is a reliable and valid instrument for evaluating the quality of caregiver-child interactions in early childhood settings, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of caregiving practices.
  2. The scale encompasses multiple dimensions of caregiver behavior, including emotional support, cognitive stimulation, and disciplinary techniques, allowing for comprehensive assessment of caregiver-child interactions.
  3. Research utilizing the CIS has demonstrated its utility in identifying areas for improvement in caregiver practices and informing interventions aimed at enhancing the quality of early childhood education and care.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS) is a widely recognized and utilized tool in the field of early childhood education and development. While the reference provided does not explicitly present empirical findings, it is a scholarly resource as it pertains to the development and validation of a research instrument used in academic and professional settings. Additionally, the affiliation with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill suggests academic credibility and expertise in the field of early childhood education. Therefore, the article is considered trustworthy and scientific based on its relevance and contribution to scholarly research in the field.

Reference 9

Parra-Cardona, J. R., Holtrop, K., Cordova, D., Escobar-Chew, A. R., Horsford, S., Tams, L., Villarruel, F. A., & Wieling, E. (2009). “Queremos Aprender”: Latino immigrants’ call to integrate cultural adaptation with best practice knowledge in a parenting intervention. Family Process, 48(2), 211-231.

In your ownwords, what are the key findings?

The study explores the integration of cultural adaptation with best practice knowledge in a parenting intervention for Latino immigrants. It emphasizes the importance of addressing cultural values, beliefs, and practices within the context of evidence-based parenting programs to enhance their effectiveness among Latino immigrant families.

Summary of key findings:

The research highlights the significance of culturally sensitive interventions in promoting positive parenting practices and family well-being among Latino immigrant populations. It underscores the need to integrate cultural adaptation strategies, such as language proficiency, cultural relevance, and community engagement, into existing evidence-based parenting programs to better serve the needs of Latino immigrant families.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? 

  1. The study emphasizes the importance of cultural adaptation in parenting interventions, suggesting that incorporating cultural values and practices enhances the relevance and effectiveness of such programs among Latino immigrant families.
  2. Cultural adaptation strategies, such as linguistic and cultural tailoring of program materials, facilitating community involvement, and respecting traditional parenting roles, are identified as key components in promoting engagement and retention in parenting interventions.
  3. The findings underscore the need for practitioners and researchers to adopt a culturally informed approach to parenting support services, recognizing the diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences of immigrant families and tailoring interventions accordingly.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source?

The article was published in the peer-reviewed journal “Family Process,” which is widely recognized in the field of family studies and psychology. The authors are affiliated with reputable academic institutions, indicating expertise in the subject matter. Additionally, the research methodology and findings are presented in a rigorous and systematic manner, adhering to scholarly standards. Therefore, the article is considered trustworthy and scientific based on its publication in a reputable journal and the credentials of the authors.

Reference 10

Rubin, K. H., Bukowsk

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