Political Science Question


Some have argued that the very design of Congress, the presidency, and the federal courts
is geared to benefit those in American society who are wealthy, powerful, and organized. In
other words, those with little wealth or power tend to have a weaker voice in our political
system. American government thus does not truly represent “the people” because of
unequal access to and influence on members of the executive, legislative, and judicial
branches. Do you believe this claim is correct? Why or why not? What are some ways we
can improve representation and access in U.S. politics?

In crafting your response, you MUST include at least SEVEN different sources FROM FIVE
DIFFERENT WEEKS to support your argument. The lectures DO NOT COUNT as a source,
nor do dictionaries, encyclopedias, or Wikipedia, which SHOULD NOT appear in your paper
at all. THE TEXTBOOK ONLY COUNTS AS ONE SOURCE. You should draw on specific
examples and evidence in making your argument. You can draw on outside material and it
will count toward the week that we covered that subject. You must cite all sources in-text
where appropriate. 





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