Using Average and STDEV.S functions for Coca Cola, Netflix and Spy in XLS


Task summary: Open a new Excel workbook in which you can aggregate all of the data and make the necessary calculations.

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Open a new Excel workbook in which you can aggregate all of the data and make the necessary calculations. Go to Morningstar (not Complete the following steps for KO, NFLX, and SPY:

A. At the top left of the screen, enter the company stock ticker.

i. For Coca-Cola, search KO. Click the linked title Coca-Cola Co. Then click on Pricevs Fair Value.

ii. For Netflix, search NFLX. Click the linked title Netflix Inc. Then click on Price vs Fair Value.

iii. For spy, search SPY. Then click the linked title SPDR 500 ETFTrust. Click on Quote.Open an Excel spreadsheet.

Create a table.A. Title the table Annual Total Return.B. Create four columns. From left to right, the columns should be titled Year, KO, NFLX, SPY.C. In the Year column, enter the past 10 years in ascending order. Below the table, skip one row. Then add a new table with two rows with the following titles:

A. AVG (for average annual return)B. SD (for standard deviation)Copy data from Morningstar to the Excel table. For KO, NFLX, and SPY, enter the return data for each of the past 10 years next to the corresponding year in the table. 

Calculate the following: i. The average annual return for the past 10 years

ii. The standard deviation for the past 10 years Enter the average annual return for each stock into the row of the lower table titled AVG.Enter the standard deviation for each stock into the row of the lower table titled SD. 

Statistic Excel Functions

Average Annual Return: AVERAGE 

Annual Standard Deviation: STDEV.S

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