Week 8 Paragraph


For this paragraph, you are going to accomplish two things, analyze the meaning of the article you summarized https://news.stthomas.edu/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-and-chatgpt-on-education/ and use this article https://www.bu.edu/articles/2023/student-designed-…  to continue the scholarly conversation between the sources, all with the goal of getting your reader ready to understand and be swayed by your opinion on the topic. 

draft a paragraph following the guidelines in the Walden University videos and on the webpage.https://youtu.be/7OI1b9PKTfs and https://youtu.be/sLhkalJe7Zc

This document should include the introduction, the summary, and the new paragraph, in that order. Don’t forget to make sure your MLA formatting is correct, including font, spacing, and page numbers. Title your essay Essay 2: Analysis and Synthesis.

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