COM-514 Cloud Security

Assignment 8:
Read Case 19-2 Ganglia Monitoring System, then answer the Case study question:
 Examine the Ganglia monitoring system. Discuss which of the system’s features you think are most critical to
cloud administrators and why.
 Your response should be in a Word document no more than two (2) pages long, double spaced, font size Time
New Roman 11, APA formatted, and include a cover page. Cover page is not part of the page count.
Read Case 19-7 Dynatrace Cloud monitoring, then answer the following:
 Discuss the importance of analytics and visualization in a cloud-monitoring solution.
 Your response should be in a Word document no more than two (2) pages long, double spaced, font size Time
New Roman 11, APA formatted, and include a cover page. Cover page is not part of the page count.
Read Case 20-6 Mobile Cloud: Top Five Predictions, then answer the following:
 Read the paper and discuss the trends that were valid and others that may have changed.
 Your response should be in a Word document no more than two (2) pages long, double spaced, font size Time
New Roman 11, APA formatted, and include a cover page. Cover page is not part of the page count.

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